Aranz Scanning Driver

Friday, 21 October 2016, 4:37 pm
Press Release: ARANZ Medical

Normal commercial glass has a Refractive index of approximately 1.52, however this may vary for low lead or tinted glass. For more information on scanning through glass refer to the Refraction Correction Manual or contact Aranz Scanning (,,

Aranz Scanning Driver Jobs

ARANZ Medical’s Dr Bruce Davey awarded a PrimeMinister’s Business Scholarship

CHRISTCHURCH, NZ, 21September, 2016 – Dr Bruce Davey the Chief Executive ofARANZ Medical, a specialist in 3D scanning and informaticssolutions for the healthcare sector, has been awarded a 2016Prime Minister’s Business Scholarship.

Browse by Product Type If you do not reside in the U.S.A. Or its five territories, please click here to visit our global website. This release includes improvements to image quality (exposure and color) for the 5MP SilhouetteStar 1 scanner (model 2005). The SilhouetteStar 2 software distributed with SilhouetteConnect has been updated to v1.8. Updated CTEULA — effective 1 July 2019, see full CTEULA here. The options for gender have been updated to Male, Female or Unknown. FastSCAN.exe files FastSCAN setup v 4.0.7 (rev 3) (exe) FastSCAN USB Driver software (exe) FastSCAN Manuals Cast Inversion manual (pdf) Cobra C1 manual. Aranz develops and supplies handheld 3D laser surface scanning systems and software for acquiring, processing and quantitative analysis of 3D surface data. Examples of integration projects include a mask making system for creating immobilisation masks for radiotherapy and facilitating a faster and less invasive way to create prosthetics.

Dr Davey is oneof nine senior executives and business owners who have beengiven the opportunity to attend the world’s mostprestigious business schools after receiving a PrimeMinister’s Business Scholarship. Dr Davey will attend theSenior Executive Programme at London Business School.

DrDavey says, “I’m delighted to be a recipient of one ofthese very prestigious business scholarships from the PrimeMinister. Attending London Business School will provideinvaluable knowledge and tools for managing strategicpriorities, team development and sustaining competitiveadvantage as we continue to undergo a period of rapid growthinternationally.”

ARANZ Medical’s 3D scanning andinformation solutions for skin and wound assessmenttransform clinical assessment processes, improve quality ofcare, and make healthcare more cost-effective. Keyinnovations include: Silhouette, an FDA-approved advancedwound surveillance system which supports precise andproductive wound management in clinical practice andresearch; and FastSCAN which enables the custom-fit oforthotics and prosthetics.

Dr Davey say he also looksforward to benefiting from being part of a premium globalnetwork of attendees from London Business School.

Aranz Scanning Drivers

ARANZMedical’s technology is being used in over 35 countries ina range of settings from clinical researchers in ruralAfrica studying the Buruli ulcer, one of the most neglectedtropical diseases, to the largest healthcare providers inthe US and UK.

This week ARANZ Medical was named as thewinner of the Bayer Supreme Innovator of the Year in the2016 New Zealand Innovators Awards, and was also named asone of Ten Hot Emerging Companies in the TIN100 Report. Thisfollowed international success earlier in the month, theChristchurch based company won the 2016 Private SectorExcellence Award from the World Information Technology andServices Alliance (WITSA) in Brasil.


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Scanz is the “all in one” market scanning platform for day traders and swing traders.

Aranz Scanning Driver Software

We go beyond real-time to deliver ‘extreme real-time’ data & news. If your goal is to be a laser-focused trading sniper, then Scanz is the only platform that matters.

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Our mission is simple: deliver the most intuitive scanning platform that sends you constant,endless trade opportunities in real-time to crush the stock trading game.

Pro Scanner

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Say goodbye to wasting entire days and tireless nights searching for the best trade opportunities. Our Pro Scanner lets you find them in seconds so you can profit in real-time as they happen!

Create any custom scan imaginable using a combination of over 100 price, volume, technical and fundamental variables… or just choose a pre-built scan designed by our professional trading team.

Aranz Scanning Driver

*Pro Scanner also runs in the pre-market and post market sessions in real-time!

*Perfect after hours to prepare for the morning strike!

EAsy Scanner

Easy Scanner provides unprecedented market transparency in one click, letting you immediately identify and pounce on the active stocks making moves in the pre-market from 5:00 am all the way to 8:00 pm EST.

Built on our proprietary “extreme real-time” technology, Easy Scanner puts the entire U.S equity markets at your fingerprints in one window.

News Scanner

Built for news traders with their finger ready to pull the trigger, News Scanner delivers the fastest, most advanced news feed in existence with ultra-powerful filtering and sorting functionality.

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Powered by over 100 news sources, press release wires, financial blogs and complete SEC filings, we make sure you never miss a real-time, market-moving event.


Breakouts offers fully-customizable, real-time trading signals that help you catch the momentum before the masses.

Get notified of stocks making new highs or lows, breaking out of price or volume ranges, and our “one of a kind” block trade signals.

Simple and effective – just like trading should be.


The Scanz Montage window combines all of the resources you need in one convenient window – charts, level 2, time & sales, fundamentals, news, and more!

Level 2

Our power-packed Level 2 includes proprietary features not found anywhere else such as our MM Activity Log! Fantastic for seasoned pros and rookies alike.


Create personal notification alerts using price, liquidity, and technical filters so you never miss a move on a stock you’re watching. Get notified for news and SEC filings as well! Delivered on the desktop or via email.


Scanz is more than just a scanning platform. It’s a complete trading platform that comes fully-loaded with beautiful charts, advanced technical indicators, drawing tools and customizable annotations.

Connect Scanz to your Interactive Brokers or TD Ameritrade account and trade directly within the platform. More broker integrations coming soon!

The world’s best individual traders rely on Scanz to find winning trades every day.

'I have been using the Scanz platform for over a decade and the scanners are an essential part of my trading toolkit. I have the platform pulled up every single day. The news alerts and intraday price alerts help me catch momentum before the crowds. If you're looking for a powerful scanning platform, I highly recommend Scanz.'

'As a trader of over 20 years, I have been a subscriber of Scanz (formerly EquityFeed) for approximately 15 years. I would not be able to find the stocks I find without Scanz. The news feed is absolutely critical and speedy, along with the scanning capabilities. I also have several watch lists which bring certain stocks to the immediate forefront. I largely play pink/otc penny stocks, and there are not many options in terms of good tools out there. If I want to play the listed stocks, I can do that as well, they're all included. The skies the limit in terms of which tools you wish to use. To sum it up, it's well worth the cost, one trade can quickly pay the monthly fee. I highly recommend.'

“I've been using Scanz/Equityfeed for most of my trading career. I cannot overstate how happy I've been with their versatile scanning software and quick news alerts. It's incredibly user friendly and extremely reliable, I cannot imagine my day to day trading without it. Highly recommended!”

'Scanz is a program that I use daily and honestly I can't see how I would possibly be able to trade without it. I use Scanz to find almost every one of my stocks I trade because their scanners are second to none. I run a pre-market scanner from 7AM-9:30AM to get a general idea of what's moving and what has news. During the trading day, I use their custom built scanners, which are very easy to set up, to find potential day trades and short term swings. I literally use Scanz every day all day and I just can't see how I would trade without it. Hands down the best scanning service available for me right now.'

Take advantage of the world’s most powerful scanning platform in existence